I had a fun time at Scarowinds this weekend. It was the perfect amount of scary and funny. I enjoy a good adrenaline rush.
I feel that it is widely believed that Gen Z (my generation) is the laziest compared to other generations. I think this relates to why I resonate with the article, People Aren’t Lazy (Including You!), so much. My generation has been through a lot, at an age where our minds are extremely pliable. When you worry if you’re going to be able to have access to medical care when sick, grades seem a little less important. If we know we could catch a life threatening disease at any moment of our youth, why should we waste our time working for a good test grade that no one will remember in 5 years?
Now I’m not saying this is my thought process, however it’s understandable that people feel this way. Scary, real life situations have a way of putting things into perspective and rearranging your priorities. This is where I believe societies vision of laziness enters the playing field. If my priorities don’t align with those of mainstream society, I am considered lazy. For instance if I would rather read a book than mow my grass, I could be called lazy for doing mental work instead of physical work. Laziness is too subjective to be used as a strong argument for any situation. That’s just my thoughts on the article.
Lazy or not, I do wish I could’ve met my grandpa Bill. You always tell me how similar we are and it makes me wonder what he would think of me. I like to think we would have gotten along well.