Polarization is Pointless
Political parties are unimportant because of the wide range of Political stances.
Hey dad,
I apologize for taking awhile to respond. School has been a little hectic this week.
I think as a society we place too much emphasis on using an “Us vs. Them” mindset, especially in politics. We divided into parties, and others expect our personal beliefs to fit to match the parties’ views exactly. Politics is a spectrum.
I find it’s kind of silly that we have political parties to begin with. It is very unlikely that a person is going to completely agree with the right or left. So why do we waste time trying to classify something as erratic as a person’s political beliefs? We do this to fulfill our need to see ourselves as the “good guys”. If we have other people, especially those with different beliefs than us, to compare ourselves to makes achieving this self image more likely. When our pride is on the line, we are much less likely to make compromises or hear others out.
Different people bring varying perspectives, values, and ideas to the table. I believe it is important that these are respected, valued, and listened to. I know not everyone agrees, but I think the world would be much more simple if they did.
Love, Audrey.
Wait what? Wouldn't it be possible to reverse this entirely and say "political parties have importance precisely because of the wide range of political views held by the voters"?